I had dinner a couple of nights ago with a girl I taught with last year. (Girl, she's 27, married, and pregnant :)... woman just sounds too old for her) Anyway, she told me that two of the new kindergarten teachers have this joke that goes, "Wow, I hope I get hired back, I can't afford to join the Peace Corps!" I think this is hilarious, not because I find self deprecating humor hilarious (though I do), but because they really just have no idea. Another woman at school was asking me about it and implied that she was pretty sure I'm making a huge mistake based on a poorly thought out decision. I told her that I had wanted to teach abroad for a long time and never found another program that I felt comfortable with. She scoffed "Honey, I would have kept looking a little longer." In general I feel incredibly blessed that I've gotten so much positive feedback about doing this, and these two things don't derail me at all from staying on this course. They really just make me smile to myself and feel a little sorry for them. It feels like I'm on the outside of glass room, I can feel the sunshine and the breeze, and they are just watching me, thinking I'm nuts because of the huge goofy grin I have on my face.
I put a much smaller version of this post on facebook last night, and one of my friends commented "YOU are so evolved!!! I'm proud to call you friend!!" <3 I'm thankful for people like her in my life.
I think someone who just naturally wants to serve others, who wants to travel (and not in luxury-- to really become a part of a community unlike your own) is a special kind of person that others won't always understand.
So at least you can know the lives that were touched by you wherever you end up. And appreciate that you took a risk that paid off in more ways than just a paycheck.
The joke's definitely on them. :)
Down with the negative naysayers! Also, I am here! haha.
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