Monday, December 20, 2010

All I want for Christmas...

Is it because I called or would it have happened anyway if I'd waited? Who knows, either way I got an email asking me to schedule a time between 1:30 and 5 tomorrow, or 11:30 and 4 on Wednesday to have a follow-up convo with my placement officer. Of course I picked 1:30 tomorrow. About. to. jump. out. of. my. skin.


Kimberley Rose said...

Fucking yay! And FINALLY! Invite for X-mas :)

elizabeth said...


Anonymous said...

I just read your *entire* blog in a single sitting and am adding it to the list of blogs I stalk on a regular basis.

Mad props for getting through the process so quickly. I know it probably doesn't feel like it, but so many of the other blogs I have read had timelines involving 4-5 months on medical alone. It's been just over 5 months since you submitted your application and you're on the verge of an INVITE. That alone is an accomplishment in and of itself and something you should be proud of.

I started my application in May and haven't even managed to finish that yet. Like you, doing this would require leaving behind my two pets (two cats, in my case) and letting my mom take care of them for 27 months. This is very hard to deal with, but your blog has strengthened my conviction that I can handle that part. Sadly, I may have to win the lottery in order to afford the medical process, as from what I've read in various blogs, mine will most likely take me through hell and back at least three times.

Also, GO GATORS! I didn't go there, or to any SEC school, but I have been a fan since I lived in FL for three years when I was younger and it never really went away.

elizabeth said...

Thanks Caity! I wish you the best of luck with everything, I'm sure you'll get it worked out - have you looked into the free dentists that PC is in cahoots with or the program at the VA to get your physical done? I think it takes some back door wink wink secret handshake to get in (nothing dirty though!) but it's definitely an option :) I don't know that I've entirely wrapped my mind around leaving my dog for that long, she and I are stupid close... let me know if you need anything!!

Tracy said...

Good luck with the interview tomorrow, Elizabeth! I am sure it will go well. Let us know how it goes!

RENEE! said...

yeayy!! it's gonna happen!!

Christina said...

Eeeeee congraaaaaats!!! I can't wait to know!!!

Tim Curtin said...

First: Congrats!!! You're going to feel amazing pretty soon.

Second: Caity, I had similar concerns about cost going into the process. But fear not! You should call whatever VA hospital is nearest to you and ask if they assist Peace Corps applicants with their medical clearance. If you're in south Florida, then call the West Palm Beach VAMC -- that's where I got all my medical work done. As for dentists, here's a link to pro bono Peace Corps dentists in Florida -- again, this is easiest if you live in South Florida.

I got through medical/dental clearance with $0 net expenses, so take heart!

Anonymous said...


Lew said...

You're there! Congrats!

Your blogs have documented an amazing process.

Now, you are just a phone chat away. You will do fine, just as you have done so far.

You have my best wishes (you don't even need a 'good luck').

Kati said...

Conrats Elizabeth, I'm super excited for you!!! You'll do great, it's so obvious that you are doing it for the right reasons! Joy, can't wait to hear what happens tomorrow, let us know ASAP!

Tija Leigh said...

CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! That is most excellent and exciting!!! I can't wait to hear alllll about it!!! YAYYYY!!!!